- Certified commercial boat operator with or without boat.
(22’ west-coast crew style work boat)
- Certified commercial diver/supervisor.
- Scuba/surface supply survey diving.
- Scuba video survey.
(diver to diver to surface voice communications available for all scuba activities)
- Topside guided scuba video surveys.
- Towed underwater surveys with GPS overlay and digital video recording.
- Professional underwater photography.
More services available on request….
Marine - Diving Services
©Coastal Photography Studio

Services Available
Scientific Research Surveys
Environmental Surveys
Specimen Collection
Search and Recovery Operations
General Dock and Moorings Maintenance

Equipment Available
22’ Survey boat “Klanawa”(capable of ruff sea operations)
Boat can be used for surveying - dive platform - drone platform
4-way underwater communication system
Portable dive (HP) compressor
Towed drop camera with GPS overlay
Electic hauler (for lifting underwater weight)
Lift bags